Fashion & Costume
CARTIER DESIGN: A Living LegacyHardbound$49.95 $65.00
MONDRIAN'S DRESS: Yves Saint Laurent, Piet Mondrian, and Pop ArtHardbound$39.95 $49.95
WOMEN DRESSING WOMEN: A Lineage of Female Fashion DesignHardbound$39.95 $50.00
SHAKESPEAREAN WIG STYLING: A Practical Guide to Wig Making for the 1500s-1600sPaperboundPrice cut to $9.95 $37.95
CARTIER: 13 Rue de la PaixHardbound$74.95 $115.00
KARL LAGERFELD: A Line of BeautyHardbound$59.95 $70.00
REAL CLOTHES, REAL LIVES: 200 Years of What Women WoreHardbound$46.95 $60.00